
The Muscle strengthening with straps or else TRX is a type of exercise that uses gravity and the weight of your body in order to develop strength, balance, flexibility, core and joint stability and coordination, increasing bone mass and preventing injuries and injuries.

The advantages of using the TRX are many. Regardless of training objectives, the TRX can help since it minimizes the exercise time, working around the body and alternating exercises seconds. Using it, you can improve your muscular system and in strength and in size, training your body in such a way that is not accustomed to working. Another advantage of the TRX is that you use your body weight to adjust the intensity of exercise, just walking near or far from the TRX viewing point on the ground. It helps end and maintain bone mass. Enables the maximum number of muscle fibers firing soared metabolism.

Our Club operates sections of TRX under the guidance of experienced coaches for both strengthening and rehabilitation.

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