HAPKIDO is an ancient Korean martial art, 2000 years old. Applied by ‘Hwa-Rang’, an elite group of warriors similar to the knights in medieval Europe.
After the second world war made the appearance of the modern version of Hapkido, which is based on the known martial Daito-Ryo Aiki arts, Ju-jutsu and TaeKwonDo. The Hapkido is a comprehensive and multifaceted martial art. It combines the locks of Daito-Ryo Ju-jutsu, the techniques of Judo falls, blows with his hand Karate and Taekwondo kicks. Alongside all the Hapkido aims at critical and vital points of the opponent.
The Hapkido is a martial art of self defense which is primarily based on the internal strength of the individual. It is a combination of strength and harmony. The Hapkidoka is able to destroy a strong opponent using minimal force. This is the basic philosophy of Hapkido. No great strength is needed to effectively implement the techniques. So Hapkido is suitable for men and women regardless of age and fitness Simple, relaxing techniques, aiming at appropriate vital signs are treated more power opponents and physique. The movements are circular as to break the offensive action of the opponent’s flow. The purpose of Hapkido is primarily to protect ourselves and those around us and not to injure but to inactivate an opponent. We face an attack, and effectively use the opponent’s momentum to the hibernation in the most offensive manner, throwing him down!
The Athletic Association of Olympian Zeus alongside Taekwondo teaches the art of Hapkido by certified instructors of Korea Hapkido Federation. They operate evening classes which may be open to participants 15 years and older.